Wednesday 11 May 2011


As I'm still a bit clueless about what the content of my project will actually be based on. I have created a questionnaire that I felt had important questions for first years to respond to. Hopefully with the information I have gathered, I will be able to push my ideas forward.

How do you keep motivated in design ? 

I've put together a questionnaire based on key elements to Graphic Design. From your own experience and difficulties getting motivated through these aspects, could you answer the following questions.

  • How do you generate ideas ? ( e.g Writing things down, drawing, browsing the internet)
  • Do you use Adobe software to dictate your design work ?
  • Do you Illustrate your ideas from either a reference or drawing straight onto paper ?
  • What other fields of creative based media do you use ? ( e.g Photography, Painting, Illustration )
  • Do you collect magazines, posters and any other visually appealing print based work ?
  • Is it important to create a comfortable environment to work ? If so, why ?
  • What websites do you visit regularly for inspiration ?
  • When you see appealing typography, do you record it for future reference ?
  • What other means of keeping motivated do you use ?
  • Do you focus straight onto a final outcome OR keep pushing ideas forward ?
  • Finally, What does Graphic Design mean to you ?

(Can't really make out peoples writing, bad scanning)

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