Monday 15 October 2012

Cybernetic Tattoo Arm - PR / Sketch


Initial sketch, line work taken from my sketchbook. Whilst drawing this I realised that the bicep part of the arm was not right and needed to bend out more, in order to look more fluid with movement. I didn't want to spend too much time putting in the detail for this piece a I felt it would take up unnecessary time. From this I took a photograph and put it into Illustrator.


The starting point to this was the vector up the outline using a graphics tablet and play around with the positioning of the arm. By doing this I was able to create a piece of work that had potential to be placed across a wide range of products with ease. As you can see it still doesn't look finished, more details need to be added.


The next step was colour, although I did not put much theory behind why I chose to use the colour. I managed to stick to using just two colours throughout, focussing on tints to create different tones and depth. From producing artwork in OUGD203, I already realised that using this process was the most efficient and effective approach whilst keeping colour limits in mind.


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