Tuesday 16 November 2010

Mail Shot Ideas

These images are examples of some of the ideas I have been working on for the Mail Shot. I've tried to vary each design and incorporate different influences throughout.

Funnel Idea - After my crit I found a clearer understanding of what I needed to achieve for the brief. This idea is based on a funnel that has water draining through, which hopefully relates to the government draining money and my chosen article.

Airfix - I spent some time looking at various ways in which I could incorporate militia into my designs, as airfix models were prestigious and widely known. I tried to use the idea into my own design. It proved ineffective and hard to produce.

Green - Not too sure what this idea is based around. I just had a go at using type as the centre point of the design, with a calming shade of green. I felt this idea didn't fit the brief.

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