Thursday, 13 October 2011


Type Session One:

During the first type session, the aim was the develop an understanding on the visual importance that typography can bring. You need to have the knowledge of how a piece of type can be communicated in the correct context. Without this, I wouldn't be able to use text effectively throughout my design work. 

The clever dog - This was my outcome to the quick task of selecting a typeface and placement on the page that ultimately would be visually and typographically relevant to being correct.
The BIG dog - This was my outcome for the big dog. As you can see I chose a typeface that showed an association the dog in question. Again it's important to make sure I have the correct knowledge of how to communicate through the use of type. 

The shy dog - By placing the dog in the corner using lower case to show a visual meaning to my definition of shy, the outcome came out in my mind effectively. 

Type Session Two: 

This seminar was particularly interesting in terms of what can be achieved with the appropriate usage of type layout, spacing, pt size and typeface. The main aim was to develop an understanding of how visually aware you need to be when dealing with the layout of type. Remember you can only read something by the way it's written in front of you, or is this completely untrue ? Eyes can be extremely deceiving ultimately leading you to misinterpretation of the visual design work, to overcome this you need to have an understanding as to how the essential fundamentals of type can be explored. 

Few Notes:

Rotation sequence - Gill Sans

Kerning the letters completely correct enables you to accurately see the benefits of successful design and what can be achieved by using a productive and understanding method process. 

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