'' Can anyone give me their opinion on tattoos ? Any reasoning behing getting one, do you appreciate them. etc. ''
Kirsty Alderson - I like tattoos but generally only if they have some kind of meaning or you desing them yourself. I got mine because I designed it myself. I also like looking at other peoples tattoos and find it a great topic to discuss with certain people.
Crash Bandicoot - They feel nice and look shweeeet.
Fiona Jane Linaker - They make skin more interesting, makes you different (only if your tattoo is not a shit generic ones like stars or names for example.) Its a form of expression further than clothes for me. Some have meanings some are for asethetic reasons. I don't feel every tattoo has to have a hidden meaning. They hurt, they are expensive, its annoying when people ask if they are real. I will be covered one day. I don't think they are addictive but once you get a few you might as well aim to look finished. I hate tribal tattoos.
Aimée Katherine Goodall - They allow people to express themselves, and portray their views and beliefs. A picture says a thousand words. I just worry that my pictures may say words I don't feel as I get older. I mean, I'm completely different now than when I was any other age and I guess that will continue throughout my life. I hope I never outgrow my tattoo's. But at the same time, I feel I only think this way because of how I have grown up. My mum has no tattoo's and so maybe it's just because I compare myself to her because I have no other older woman I could compare myself with really? On the other hand, my dad has sleeves. And I couldn't imagine him without them and think that they match his personality. I guess it just means I don't want to be "normal". But I already knew that. I don't want a standard 9-5 job or a standard "stay in one city your whole life" lifestyle. I want to have a career that represents me and my opinions, beliefs, enjoyments and ambitions and if I achieve that then whatever is on my skin will match :) These are just some things I think about sometimes... Hope it helps though it's a bit of an essay. Oh and... Tats are sexy.

For my collection 100 I have decided to focus on tattoos. These images are of my girlfriend. As you can see each of her tattoos is highly detailed and of a professional standard.
This is an image of my tattoo that I drew out, originally as just a sketch. My having something that I can relate to by it being my own artwork, helps me recognise the whole point of tattoos.
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