Wednesday 18 January 2012


As I want to use Illustration as much as possible throughout this module, I have began to create pieces of Illustrative type, that hopefully replicate the initial idea of the context from the articles. As this was only a week brief, amongst other things I have not made this a priority. Therefore I feel what I have created in the time given is sufficient.


The idea behind this was to create a sense of what the article would entail. As the image is placed directly above the text, it is going to be the first thing you see. In order to catch the audiences attention I have used one word to sum up a relatively important part of the article.

Examples shown below >


As the article layout and design itself, is not very appealing, I've found it hard to place the piece of Illustrative type onto the space. To gain a better idea on how it could potentially look as a final outcome, here are a few ideas.

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