Thursday 9 February 2012

IMAGE - Book Works / Briefing

Probably an ideal brief for what I want to start achieving through design. The aim of this is to create a series of 5 books, initially starting off with a selection of different contextual focuses.

* Colour
* Typeface
* Sounds
* Shape

With this in mind, I have paired up with one of my peers from the course. Eddie, a like minded individual who is interested and engaged with Illustration. Having the mindset of two people will ease off the work load and also allow more ideas to bounce around throughout the project. Are current aim is to produce a double sided comic book.


- 1 colour + Stock
- Black + Stock

The format in which it will sit on is yet to be narrowed down. But realistically we want to incorporate both are own styles of Illustration within similar stories based around the same characters. This way there will be a direct reflection of ourselves but also presented in an effective way.


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