Wednesday 8 February 2012

IMAGE - 2D/3D/2D - Tiled Canvas


To be honest, I feel like I am trying to do something in image that I don't normally do. Instead I am going to focus all my efforts into putting my Illustration onto different formats. For this idea I have came up with a plan, or at least an idea that could work. 

Realistically, my drawing does not have to be 3D as such, instead I am going to place it onto a three dimensional format, using these ( 5 X7" ) canvases. Instead of using one for one image, I am going to create a tiled space in which a larger image is built up from.



This sketch has more defined line detail and also a focussed perspective. Bringing the main character to front of the image, allowing the focus to be on this part, rather than the rest.


Although this seemed like a good idea at the time, I have not really gave myself enough time to complete it to a standard I am happy with. More so, the way in which the canvases are placed makes it difficult to map out an image over the top. Practice makes perfect I guess. 



Surprisingly, I think the final outcome came out close to how I wanted it to. Taking a photo of the tiled canvases was the hard part, as I found it difficult to frame it correctly without a tripod. Once I found an okay shot, I applied a duotone mode over the image, to create a slight alteration within the colour. Basically I felt the white was too overpowering against the cardboard background.

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