Monday 30 April 2012



Today hasn't been entirely as productive as I aimed it to be, amongst all of that I find myself struggling to understand how 'what I want to do' can be applied to a negotiated brief. Realistically I want to incorporate my Illustrative practice, with my own interests and as of now, I'm not too sure how to apply it. Luis told me about Talenthouse, a website full of live briefs and chances to promote yourself as a designer. Looking briefly through a selection, I came across a brief for a band called 'The Devil Wears Prada' where it's aim was to have a designer, come up with a new t-shirt design.

This has got me thinking, I could use this brief and the existing Little White Lies brief and merge them together to create a much more elaborate and defined concept. As of now I am in the process of combining ideas together to see how It could be effectively executed.



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