Monday 9 January 2012



To gather a broader range of how the type could react once imported into After Effects, creating a 3D piece of type seems like a good option to experiment with. By doing this I can now use cameras that could ultimately orient and change to perspective of my whole piece of graphic motion.

The examples below are rough outlines of how different colour ways can change the overall feel and outcome to each letterform. Using gradients have allowed me to create a much deeper feel to a piece of type as now the positioning of the angle of colour creates an almost metallic effect. This could be useful as I want to somehow experiment with using a car crash collision, without the use of Illustrative material.


To begin with, my first thought proces is to be able to understand a the process building up the pace on a certain aspect to the sequence. By being able to understand this clearly, I am now able to start creating a piece of work motion that could potentially use the principles of four dimensions.

The idea behind this motion, is to create a personification almost, of racing cars. Be reenacting elements to the changes that occur and what would happen in a car collision.

The next part to my process is to move on and create a better dimension and understanding of the race itself.

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