Tuesday 7 February 2012

Pre-Final / TOP Ten & Silent Movie / FEEDBACK

Today at first seemed pointless, but then I began to realise the added extra pressure allowed me to complete the graphic motions to a suitable standard for an audience to view. The reason behind this was to allow a test run of the disc with the burnt files, to see if they actually run. Alongside this, having a different audience other than yourself was useful in terms of allowing a reaction, giving you feedback in return



Just a few quick notes that I need to address so the audience fully understands the context behind the brief and also so the content flows more effectively within the motion itself. 

The main point which I was able to get back from todays session, was that I had effectively gave myself enough time to go over anything that I have missed, or tweak any of the motions if needed. Time is valuable. 




*Four Idents 
*One Title Sequence 

Not quite there yet, in terms of being completely happy with the outcome. There are a few issues that I need to address to make the motion run as smoothly as possible. Some of the transitions do not rotate effectively enough, creating a slight lag or loss of frame time. The track needs to synchronise much more coherently with the timing of the motion, to create a solid atmosphere from the audience. 





What I find particularly useful about reviewing my earlier attempts of after effects, is seeing a clear understanding and more advanced skill set from then. Although the majority of the transformations are basic, I tried to see how far I could ultimately push them into an idea. This way it would allow me to have a starting point where I could work from.

I saved one of the silent movies till last, as I wanted to progress through the programme from the workshops and build up my own understanding of how type and effects can work together within After Effects. There is a clear result in difference from this comparison. 

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